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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Area 2C

Area 2C Referee Classes

List of available AYSO Referee Classes:

8U Classes - Online only, see below

10U/Regional Classes - Tenative fall Referee class schedule. Will be available for sign-up in AYSOU, prerequistes listed below. Scheduled classes open to all regions:

Date Day Time Class Host Season Location
8/10/2024 Sat 9:00-12:30PM Regional Referee Companion Class MDSA Fall Mountain View Elementary School
 Regional Referee Companion Class
 DeltaFall Val de Flores, Rio Vista
8/18/2024 Sun 1:00-4:30PM Regional Referee Companion Class Concord Fall El Dorado/Westwood at entrance.
8/25/2024 Sun 9:00-12:30PM Regional Referee Companion Class PHMSA Fall Pleasant Hill Middle School
8/28/2024 Wed 5:00-8:30PM Regional Referee Companion Class MDSA Fall Mountain View Elementary School
9/8/2024Sun1:00-4:30PmRegional Referee Companion ClassMDSAFallMountain View Elementary School
9/15/2024Sun1:00-4:30PmRegional Referee Companion ClassConcord/PHMSAFallPleasant Hill Middle School

Annual Referee Update Class:

Date Day Time Class Host Season Location
8/21/2024 Wed 6:30-8:00PM Annual Referee Update Virtual Fall Replay Link
8/29/2024 Thur 6:30-8:00PM Annual Referee Update Concord Fall TBD

Intermediate Referee Class
- Class in October. Should have completed one season as a Regional Referee and at least 10 games. Class consists of both sessions below:

10/9/2024Wed6:30-9:30pmIntermediate Referee Class - Session 1Area 2CFallPleasant Hill
10/13/2024Sun9:00:00 AM-4:30PMIntermediate Referee Class - Session 2Area 2CFallPleasant Hill

Advanced Referee Class - Available at Section 2 Golden Gate Camp in summer of 2024. If you are not able to attend GGC and are interested contact Area 2C Director of Referee Instruction and one will be scheduled when there are sufficient attendees.

National Referee Class - Only available at Section 2 Golden Gate Camp in summer of 2024

USSF New Referee Classes:

For those planning / considering becoming an USSF referee to support the AYSO Alliance teams for the coming year there are many local referee classes upcoming:

Wednesday 7/24 -  Tesoro Fields, Concord – 5pm-8pm
Thursday 7/25 – Rudgear Soccer Field, Walnut Creek – 5pm-8pm
Friday 7/26 – Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez – 5pm-8pm
Wednesday 7/31 – Wilder Sports Complex, Orinda – 5pm-8pm
Friday 8/9 – Mustang Soccer Complex, Danville  - 5pm-8pm

More classes will become available in the next month as this is prime time for the availability of these classes. They will become scarcer as we get closer to the season. To sign-up / participate, you must first complete the online USSF First-time referee course in the USSF Soccer Learning Center. To get more information on becoming a referee please go to:

US Soccer Grassroots New Referees online training:

Grassroots field training sessions available after completion of online course (just need to attend 1).
You can sign up for field sessions here:

See content below for more information on becoming a USSF referee.

Area 2C Referee Training Access

To find, or sign-up, for AYSO classes, both volunteer and referee, you first need to register as a volunteer for your home region:

       Concord AYSO - Region 305 -  (Sports Connect)
       MDSA  - Region 223 -  (InLeague)
       PHMSA - Region 281 - (Sports Connect)

Register as a Volunteer guidance -

Resource for issues with the Sports Connect application used to register as a volunteer -
Resource for AYSO Volunteer issues:
Resource for AYSO registration and other issues -
Resource for AYSO fingerprinting -

Background Check

Once you register as a volunteer you will also need to submit a background check. Here is information on getting a status of your background check:

AYSOU Access

Sports Connect
As a registered volunteer you will be able to access the AYSO training website by clicking on the "AYSOU" button on the "Volunteer" page once you are logged into the Sports Connect application for your region.

As a registered volunteer you will be able to access the AYSO training website by clicking on the "eTrainU" button on the left side menu after clicking on the "Volunteer" button, once you are logged into the InLeague application for your region.


Once you are in the AYSOU training website click on  "Training Library". To see Referee Courses click on "View Courses" on the "Refereeing" category. There you will be able to select from these Referee

8U Official Course - Online

Regional Referee - Online + In-Person Companion Course (2 Part Bundle)

You must first complete the online Regional Referee class and then schedule an in-person Regional Referee Companion course to complete your Regional Referee certification.

To see Volunteer Courses click on "View Courses" on the "Safe Haven" category. There you will be able to access and complete these courses:

AYSO's Safe Haven - Online
CDC Concussion Awareness - Online
Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online

There is one additional Volunteer Course, called SafeSport, that is mandated and available through a different website. You can access this course from your "Volunteer" page in "Sports Connect" for your home region by:

  1. Click on SafeSport box
  2. Click on Renew and Update
  3. A screen will pop up where you will click on the “click HERE” link or copy and paste the URL into your browser to begin training
More information about registering for Safesport:

Once you complete the above courses contact the Regional Referee Administrator for your region (listed on the Referee page for this website) for equipment and access to referee game schedules.

AYSO Referee Certification and Training Requirements

To be a certified AYSO referee you need to complete:

Annual Requirements:

1.   Register as a volunteer for your region:
       Concord AYSO - Region 305 -
       MDSA  - Region 223 - 
      PHMSA - Region 281 -,
2.   Pass a background check every 2 years. As part of your volunteer registration, you will be sent a link to a Sterling Volunteers website to fill out the necessary information for your background check. Payment of $25 fee is covered by the region.

Certification Requirements:

1.  Volunteer certification requirements - take online courses at AYSOU (click on AYSOU button on Volunteer page):
     a.  AYSO’s Safe Haven
     b.  CDC HEADS UP Concussion Training 
     c.  Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Course
     d.  Safesport Training -
     e.  Volunteer fingerprinting -

2.  Referee Certification requirements:
     - 8U Official (minimum age 10) - Complete the U-8 Official Course online on AYSOU
     - Regional/10U Referee (minimum age 12) -  Two class options available in AYSOU
         o Regional Referee Course - Full In Person (classroom sessions, field session and exam)
         o Regional Referee Course Online + In Person Companion Course (online course and exam plus in-person field day)

Additional Referee Certifications:

Intermediate Referee  (minimum age 14) - Be a certified volunteer and Regional Referee then:
    - Complete the in-person Intermediate Referee class and exam
    -  Complete 25 games as referee with at least five in 12U games
    -  Be observed/mentored in a 12U game.

Advanced Referee (minimum age 16) - Be a certified volunteer and Intermediate Referee then:
    - Complete the in-person Advanced Referee Class and exam
    - Complete 50 games as referee with at least 10 in 14U and five as an assistant referee (in 14U),
     - Pass one assessment as referee and one as assistant referee in a 14U match,
     - Pass the AYSO Physical Fitness Test.

National Referee - (minimum age 18) - Be a certified volunteer and Advanced Referee then:
    - Complete the in-person National Referee Referee Class and exam
    - Complete 100 games as referee with at least 30 in 16U/19U and 25 as an assistant referee in 16U+
     - Pass two assessments as referee and one as assistant referee in competitive 16U/19U matche
     - Pass the AYSO Physical Fitness Test.

Verifying Referee Certifications

It is a significant effort needed acquire your Referee certifications. There is an easy way to verify what you have and what you may need and properly maintain your status as a certified Referee.

You sign-up to volunteer for each new season on a yearly basis. This is done by logging in to your Region’s website (, and then going to your “Volunteer” page.  You can choose to volunteer for any division that is listed. Your volunteer page will also show that status of your other volunteer certification requirements including:

  • Risk Status (aka Background Check) – Good for 2 years
  • Concussion Awareness – Good indefinitely, available in AYSOU
  • Fingerprinting California Only – Good indefinitely,
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest – Good indefinitely, available in AYSOU
  • AYSO Safe Haven – Good indefinitely, available in AYSOU
  • Safe Sport – Yearly renewal
  • Coaching License – the highest coaching certification you have though not required
  • Referee Grade – the highest referee certification you have

If you monitor your “Volunteer” page it will tell if you have what you expect to have and what you else you may need. Any time you need to update any of these, with the exception of Coaching License and Referee grade, you can simply check the box next to it and then click on “Renew and Update” in the bottom. It will then either take you to the place you can update or provide you the information on how too. It may take a week or so to show newly updated statuses.

By monitoring your “Volunteer” page certifications and ensuring they are up to date it will save your Referee Administrators nagging you about any lack of certifications and you can also verify for yourself that you have what is required and that there is not a problem or missing certification. By ensuring that you are properly certified you can count on AYSO to cover you should there be any problems as you learned in Safe Haven.

AYSO to USSF Cross Certification

There are many opportunities to referee outside of AYSO but these require additional certification. Our AYSO United program requires USSF certification but also pays referees. AYSO referees with an Intermediate or high certification can cross certify to USSF by the process documented at the California North Referee Association website:

If you are a USSF certified Grassroots referee, or higher certification,  you can be certified as an AYSO Regional referee by completing the following requirements and contacting your Regional Referee Administrator:

1.   Register yearly  as a volunteer for your region:
       Concord AYSO - Region 305 -
       MDSA  - Region 223 - 
      PHMSA - Region 281 -,

2.   Pass a background check every 2 years. As part of your volunteer registration, you will be sent a link to a Sterling Volunteers website to fill out the necessary information for your background check. Payment of $25 fee is covered by the region.

3.  Volunteer certification requirements - take online courses at AYSOU (click on AYSOU button on Volunteer page):
     a.  AYSO’s Safe Haven
     b.  CDC HEADS UP Concussion Training . 
     c.  Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Course . 

4. Contact your Regional Referee Adminstrator:
      Concord AYSO Referee Administrator - Anita Luttrell
      MDSA Referee Administrator - Eric Jolly
      PHMSA Referee Administrator -  Will Kuehn

USSF Referee Certification

To become a USSF Referee there are two options:

1. As an AYSO Intermediate or above referee you can cross certify as documented above
2. You can get certified as a USSF referee by following the steps at the following link:

Our AYSO Area has an affiliation with the Mustang soccer organization and we have many referees that are active with both organizations. Here is a link for more information:

The California North Referee Administration (CNRA) regularly hosts webinars on a variety of referee subjects at both the Grassroots (inexperienced) level and the Regional (experienced, not the same as AYSO Regional) level. These webinars are recorded and available at:

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Contact Us

American Youth Soccer Organization - Area 2C

1361 La Vista Avenue 
Concord, California 94521

Email Us: [email protected]
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